• Drammen chooses iBinder

    Drammen is both an urban centre and one of Norway's largest municipalities, located at the mouth of the Drammenselva river in Drammensfjord, just southwest of Oslo. Historically, Drammen was one of the main hubs of the timber industry, but today it is a popular location for modern industry and IT companies.

    When the municipality's design and construction department needed to renew its IT support for project document management, it organised a major tendering process. Apart from the price, important criteria included ease of use and integration options with other systems used by the municipality. After the construction phase, documents and data need to be handed over to the party running and managing the property, and with its powerful export features iBinder is a good choice in this regard.

    Roar Strøm, Project Developer at Drammen Municipality, explains:

    “We needed something that was easy to understand for new users, with a minimum of onboarding required. The licencing model was also perfect for us, as we have a lot of internal and external users, which can often push up the price of a system. Like everyone in the public sector, we have stringent budgetary constraints.”

    Drammen Municipality is now starting to implement iBinder in its daily operations. There are a lot of documents, mainly PDF files and detailed 2D models, and a lot of information that has to be migrated from the municipality’s previous system, but iBinder's support department is there to help with this. 

    “It is very reassuring that iBinder can quickly adapt the platform to meet customer requirements,” concludes Roar Strøm.

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